Ok, I'm gonna make a rant about my school's PE program. Okay?
First off, I might want to mention that we have whats called a "block schedule". This means that all of our classes are 80 minutes long. Which is okay for most things, except for gym, of course.
I'm going to start out with at what time it is. Even though I have it once every four days, I have it first thing in the morning. I'm usually extremley tired, and can't focus. And, if I don't have my coffee in the morning, grouchy and with a headache. But, we need to do warm-ups!
The warm-ups is basically 45 minutes long, and usually tires you out before anything else happens. We begin with a two-minute jog, but our gym teacher usually forgets that we are running, and makes it anywhere up to ten minutes long. Holy shit. Then, we move on to "wall stretch". This is when you gotta stand in awkward positions and push up against a slanted wall. Not too difficult, but can still be hard to concentrate. After a few minutes of that, we move onto the floor. Then we have to do those "hurdle stretches". I'm sure you have done these before, so I won't bother mentioning them. But, after them, we then have one of two sets of exercises. The first one is crunches. You lift your legs up and crunch your body upwards. Not too bad. Next, you have leg lifts. This can get tedious, since the teacher has you raise the legs up so far, you can nearly touch your face. Finally in the first set are scissor kicks. This is when you do leg lifts, and cross your legs at the same time. And after that, we get to do it all over again. Whoopee.
If we are lucky, we get to do the more tedious of the two sets of exercises. First, we lay on our stomachs like if we are doing push ups, and balance ourselves on our toes and elbows. Not hard, right? Try it after a ten minute jog. After the first one, we flip onto our sides and balance on one toe, and one elbow. Then we do the other toe/elbow. Pure torture. Then, we do it again!
Also, I may add that all the above "warm-ups" take about 1 to 2 minutes a piece. So, each set takes about 10 minutes.
After this, we get to do push ups! After about 20 of them, plus 20 "bicep pushes", basically push ups on your back, we get to pretend we have stair-climbers, and walk up and down the bleachers. Very tedious, since each "step" is about 1 1/2 feet tall. After stair climbers, we jump for two minutes. Nothing else, just jump. Up and down like fucking retards. After 10 more minutes of that, we are done with warm-ups. Too bad everyone is tired already. The teacher also treats you like dogs when you try to rest for a minute, exposing you to the rest of the class and forcing others to laugh at you for not working. Rest to much, and you get no credit for the day.
After the warm up, we get to play a game. Usually a sport. That's really all I got to say on that subject. Yep.
Well, I need to finish writing a report on the reproductive system. Good bye.
that sounds boring as hell