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Age 31, Male

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Rochester Institute of Tech

New York

Joined on 7/21/06

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Aww, come on. What happened to all my neatly-indented PARAGRAPHS?!

Holy jesus...

Sucks to be you.

Thanks for your concern. <:(

my bus is just like that, except there are more gay kids than that(or so I think) and the weird thing is, all of them are in band and they play their instruments all shitty, even though they have already had 3 years of band, but I'm in high school, and I get to sit in the back with all the other high schoolers, plus it's like one to a seat back there, but I digress. I'm 18 and I still ride the fuckin bus, now THAT is bullshit.

Your lucky that you get to sit in the back. When I get on the bus, I usually have no choice BUT to sit with the gay kid. D:

There's this blond asswipe on the school bus. he has the biggest mouth I've ever seen. So overconfident. There have been days where all I want to do is slap the shit out of him. But, could you imagine these people on the road, the destruction they could cause?

Yes, I can imagine that. It's the next level of "road rage".

Errgh... those sort of fat people annoy me as well. I don't have one on my bus, though. So yay for me!

You suck; you don't have to deal with the torture.

That sucks. But I'm lucky. I don't ride the bus.


Ok... you know what... ITS JUST IN THE BUS! You only live that when your in the bus ,so its twice per day. If you were saying that each time you enter in the bus the driver touch your nipples and touch himself .... OK THATS A PROBLEM.. but all your saying is people that annoy you.

P.S. oh and if you have friend in the bus why dont you told them to keep a place near them?

P.P.S. Merry Chrismast!

OK, first off, yeah, I know it's not a major problem. It's just that mandatory 30 minutes you have to spend everyday. And it's quite a nuisence.

To answer your PS, I do have a friend that saves me a seat on the bus. Unfortunately, since I am the last person to board the bus, the seat has already been filled. But if I'm lucky, I do get to sit next to a buddy.

PS, Merry Christmas to you too! :D

I sympathize with you. I used to be in the same position three years back...

Fortunately, I moved, and now I'm able to just walk to school. :3

Yeah, I'd rather walk the mile to school than ride the bus, even if it does take forever.

I'm in walking distance of my school so I don't have to deal with that kind of shit.


Wait, you said a mile away from school right? That's almost exactly how far away my school is. If riding the bus sucks that much then don't you just walk there?

Hang on, I said mile?

*looks back at MeatMachine's response*


It's a 15 minute bus drive, so it can't be a mile. Hang on, I'll get the exact distance.

*goes to mapquest*

Well, I made a slight error. It's not one mile, but FIVE! Heh, who knew. That would take a bit longer to walk.

Well, at least stuff happens on your bus. My bus is High School only, and it comes really early, so usually the bus is COMPLETELY silent. Not kidding. Nobody is talking. At all. And nobody really cares where you sit.

I'm lucky, because the middle school was only half a mile from my house, so I never EVER took the bus to middle school. I walked every single day, so I never had to experience this.

In my bus, the High School and the Middle School is combined. The Middle Schoolers get the front of the bus, and the High Schoolers get the last 3 seats, which is why I always get stuck in the front o' the bus.

bleh, interesting reading.

Heh, thanks.

Are all those kids on your bus full of themselves? The kids on mine are.

You know how when you're sick, and you get that stuff caught in your throat and nose and when you talk you sound like a complete idiot? Well, a girl on my bus talks like that. Its so annoying. I almost gag listening to her cause I keep thinking she has shit from her nose just sitting in her throat. Ah well. You have it worse. Haha.

The kids on mine are just cocky freshman who think they're cool cause they're in "Highschool". Where I live, theres a Freshman school, and a Highschool. Not enough space for one, which I think is dumb, but at least I don't have those assholes in my classes.

I hate the bus, but I'm gonna ride it when I'm a senior and have my license. Its free, and you can just leisurely sit there without worrying about much.

If I rode your bus, I'd kill myself.

Yeah, I probably will be riding the bus up until my Senior year. I don't have the money to go out and buy a car, so I have no other choice.

Is the girl with the nasally voice always sick, or does that just how her voice come out that way. We don't have those people on our bus, but I would hate it if we did. And, also, there isn't many Freshmen (or any other high schoolers) on our bus. I think there are 4 Freshmen (including me), 3 sophmores, and a few juniors and seniors. And we mostly stay quiet, reading a book or something. It's the lower grades that make the noise.

Thanks for the comment. :D

Nearly all the kids on my bus are fags from the local trailer park.

Also we have a fat AND gay kid on our bus.

I live next to a trailer park. AND, the gay kid is a bit on the chubby side as well.

That's the reason why I walk my way from/to school
I feel your pain my friend

Lucky. I don't live near enough to the school.

If those kids cried over the gum and the bus driver commanded
me to give them a peice, I'd lick all the wrappers including the
pack of gum then laugh. Or, more simpler, say "NO" and shove
the pack into your pocket and wait for school to eat it. Well, at
least at my school you can chew gum in the class. Also, I'd chew
gum right in front of their faces. Just to piss them off.

Good ideas, Mr. Xin.

Maybe I can bring a decoy empty gum pack!

Nice username, very expendable because that can be like your topic on your banners and shit. Wish i picked wiser

Erm... thanks?